Thursday, September 29, 2011

Yeah... It's My Day!

Picture on the left is from last year, picture on the right is from today! Isn't it crazy how different I look for one? Second, I cannot believe it has been a WHOLE stinkin' year. I'm old. I was talking and reflectiving with my Lo about the changes I've made. Never in my whole 26 (well now 27) years of life, has so much happened to me in one year. It really is nuts! I not only changed physically (yeah I'm about 60 pounds lighter than last year), I found a whole new group of friends (including boys), jump-started my career, moved 3 times, and accomplished 3 things on my bucket list. Say WHAT?! Pretty insane year. I've felt love and heartache and I've laughed and cried more this year than ever (more laughing than crying). Oh and I got an iPhone, ha! 27 seems so old to me, but at the same time, I'm still young (I'll let you know when 30 comes). I also feel like I emit this glow on my day of birth, because well I usually do. I woke up smiling! Today I've realized how much people love me, not just like, but love. And really do KNOW me. See this is why I love my birthday, this is why God gave us birthdays... it'sYOUR day to feel loved (and eat whatever you want). Embrace it! Happy Birthday to Me!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You look so wonderful and beautiful!! Hope you had a great birthday!!! Thanks for your example and inspiration!