Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Almost There…

Phew it's over, my work events for December that is. This month has got to be the craziest out of all of them. We are booked solid with events, Christmas shopping, and sending out Christmas cards. I'm always exhausted by quitting time. It's like my body and brain know that I'm going to have a vacation soon because they are seriously worn out. I'm so exhausted when my alarm goes off in the morning, it's like I'm ready for bed before even getting out of it. So here's the question I always pose to myself, how can I balance everything out without feeling overwhelmed and underappreciated? Christmas isn't about that at all, but that seems like all I have been feeling lately. I feel so discouraged like I don't have enough time to dedicate to everything or everyone. That's why last night was so great, I went and yelled and cheered on B's cousin at a basketball game. What a great outlet for getting out frustrations. We yelled at the referees for their horrible calls, jumped up and down when she made a winning shot, and laughed really hard at Madison's lesbian coach. Then we rocked out in the car to Backstreet Boys (B's so good about letting me be the DJ), it was just what I needed. Then we went and had ice cream and watched Columbiana. You know that movie is all about violence, HA, it was great. I'm sure if I knew how to play Call of Duty I would have played with B last night too. It helps that they let me laugh a lot.

Don't worry I'm still stressed out a little because I'm not done Christmas shopping, and I need to still pack and organize my life and room, and well try to still finish up last minute things at work. Isn't it funny how we wait all year for Christmas, and then it's here and quite frankly it is a whirlwind of tasks and to do lists. Life is funny that way.

Funny thing is today is the Winter Solstice. Which means the days officially begin to stay lighter longer. Booyah.

1 comment:

Clint Moses said...

for the record, I think Madison's coach is in my ward and definitely not Lesbian.