Friday, December 30, 2011

Lunch Surprise

Not to be one of those girls who always gushes about how perfect their boyfriend is or anything because well I’m not like that. My relationship isn’t perfect; I don’t think a real relationship is. It can’t be. To say I have a unique situation is fair, and we are older so we’ve had our fair share of life experiences to bring into this fantastic B & S thing we’ve got going on. Last night was no exception. It’s just one of those times where you say something stupid without thinking or maybe you should have said it a little different and well it just ruins everything. Then it tail spins into bigger issues and well you leave thinking I should have totally just kept that to myself, but on the other hand it had to come out sometime. Anyway, I’m blabbing, because mostly well it’s crazy how a little act of kindness can make everything seem better, or maybe it’s just my love language of gift giving and service that comes out. Either way, look at what my lovely did for me today:
I know it doesn’t seem like a lot, oh lunch from Jimmy John’s… but actually it made me burst into tears. I’m a girl (that’s B’s excuse when I complain about certain things, he’s always like oh you are such a girl), and I was still kinda upset from last night, and you know my thoughts had only gone to the worst. Plus well, work is extreme slow, but I’m here by myself so I wasn’t going to get a lunch, and I just mentioned it to him. Next thing I know there’s Jimmy John’s with lunch, and my name on it. I’m sure the Jimmy John’s delivery man thought I was weird because I’m sure he’s never seen a sandwich makes someone cry before, then when he pulled out the Diet Coke I really started tearing up. Honestly though it was one of the nicest things he could have done for me today short of showing up himself! He really knows how to knock me off my feet sometimes…


Unknown said...

what a good boyfriend!! i just think you two are the cutest thing:) so happy for you, even when things aren't perfect, i think the combo of you two is!

Russ and Michelle said...

My love language is gifts too, so I HEAR YA GIRL! :]