Thursday, October 20, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursday!

  1. Seeing my neighbor try to scrap the frost off his HUGE truck in the morning. Only to see him fail miserably, so I offer my extra large scraper and he just looks at me like that's an insult to his manhood or something. Well never mind then!
  2. Almost ugly crying after an emotional night. No one needs to see that. I'm pretty sure the stage between cute crying and ugly crying is just as worse though. Then trying to talk through it is even worse.
  3. Laughing and accidently having snot come out, in a really inopprotune time. Even more awkward is when the other person reminds you of it. Can't we just chalk it up to embarrassing and move on? Haha!
  4. Pretending like you didn't just see that girl pick her wedgie at the store, but then she has to look around afterwards and you catch each other's eyes. Laws.
  5. Getting "scolded" at for de-junking an office space. Get real lady this isn't Hoarders!
  6. People pointing out your flaws. Excuse me, I know what they are, no need to bring them to everybody's attention.
  7. Mr. Tuttle (ok a code word for a guy a work with, go ahead Google Mr. Tuttle) not only seeing that my hands are EXTREMELY full and thinking it's funny to cause me to stumble, but also asking if he can have a bite of my breakfast. Ew NO!
  8. Enjoying some Oreo's and milk, only to realize that I'm now licking my fingers. Brycen then asking, "uh how were those Oreo's?" Sorry, I was in carb heaven for a minute. 
  1. Swallowing some pride and doing what you have to do, and not worrying about anyone else.
  2. Crying at Jimmy John's and not caring because really the most important things you care about are sitting right across from you. 
  3. Hiding in a car in plain sight just because you aren't ready to "face" the world yet, and having someone actually hide with you makes it even better.
  4. Someone actually sticking up for you, and defending you. That's the ultimate test of loyalty.
  5. Having a dream that I am Blair Waldorf and I pretty much am amazing. I have my same beautiful face, just her clothes and hair. Oh and her attitude. Mr. Chuck Bass?
  6. Telling someone how you honestly feel, and hearing their honesty back. There is nothing more freeing than talking about what is going on inside your head and hearing what's going on in there's. 
  7. Footloose!
  8. Falling asleep and then getting gently woken up. 
  9. Listening to someone play the guitar and thinking that no one is watching them or listening to them. 
  10. BFF's. Love them.
  11. Love. In all kinds and forms, it's just pretty much the most awesome thing every. And even doing something awkward and it doesn't matter because well it just doesn't. 


Jenn said...

Love this!

Becky Clinton said...

I was so glad to read your "awkward" bullets because I am an ugly crier. I have never figured out how women can cry and look so beautiful at the same time - the single tear falling down a cheek, no grotesque sobs, no red splotchy face. I know you know what I mean. I turn red, face screws up, nose runs, can't speak. For this reason I don't do anything that might result in me crying in public. I am an ugly, ugly crier. And now I know I'm not alone. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Bahahaha... oh Mr. Tuttle...