Monday, October 3, 2011

More BSU, and Drama (HA!)

What a crazy weekend I had. Maybe crazy isn't the right word, fun? Yes. Drama? Yes. Sun-burnt in October? Yes. Since it was General Conference weekend and the end of my birthday week, I topped it off with a trip home and a BSU game. Awesome. Brycen and Mariah both had to take tests Friday afternoon so I left work early and got everything packed and then we went and picked up Mariah. On our way from leaving her apartment we totally saw this girl SKID (no I'm not exaggerating) across the pavement after falling of her Razor Scooter. SO FUNNY. Sad, but funny. There were a lot of people around, so I'm sure she's chalk it up to one of the most embarrassing moments... We were only 5 minutes into our trip and I knew it was going to be great. Next we saw two barely dressed girls doing Yoga outside of Tuscany right by the round-about. Ok seriously? You can do that ANY place else? Ugh, Brycen yelled at them to get some clothes on. On our way outside of Pocatello we even saw a guy on his motorcycle wearing Ugg Boots. Yes, 80 degrees outside and on a motorcycle wearing THOSE shoes. Funny. Anyway, we made our way to Parma just in time for halftime for a PHS Football game. Maddie is just so cute! After the game (and an experience in the parking lot which included Brycen teaching a boy a lesson about minding his own business), we went home. So good to be home, and so good to see everyone! I love that my entire family lives in Parma so I can see everyone at once. It makes me happy! Sidenote* - see in Parma there's always drama, that's just how it is, love it or leave it I guess, and because of the incident in the parking lot and many other things that made for an even more eventful night. I would say that B would fit right in! HA!

The next day was the BSU game and it started at 12:30 p.m. It was already hot when we got there, and the whole afternoon we pretty much roasted. We had great seats though, really close to the field, and I got some great pictures. I had so much fun, I love BSU. Dad and Hyrum came with B and I, and we yelled and hollered along with everyone else. The only downside, we wanted beverage, and it's like $3 for a small bottle of water and I won't tell you what I spent for a lemonade... ugh! Anyway, it was a good game, and we won. I had a lot of fun! That night we all played Buzzerwizzer, such a fun game! Trivia mostly which means Mom or Austin will win, but I did a pretty good job considering, it was still fun. Playing board games with my family is one of my top 5 favorite things to do!

Sunday was conference, which was so good, per usual. My mom and Kenzie made some amazing food, and we chatted. We watched some more conference and then headed home. I wish I lived even a smidge closer, grateful that 5 hours isn't that long, but still, I would like to minimize that number a little. Overall I had a fun weekend with drama and a LOT of laughing. Always a good thing. Perfect way to end my birthday weekend 2011, now I only have 360 days left until my next celebration.
 B and I before kick-off. I have squinty eyes because of that darn sun. Oh well. Super cute picture nonetheless! We had a lot of fun, I love football!
 Dad and Hyrum at the game!
 Here come the Broncos! Goosebumps!
 OK, guy in the orange shirt was a tad crazy. OK a LOT crazy. He loved to taunt Nevada, and screamed a lot at the referees. Funny.
 My love Kellen Moore. He's just pretty much amazing.
B and I during halftime. Pretty much on the field, yeah we are important.
Finally, this kid. Not only is he talking and turning into a full fledge little man, he's so cute and so funny. He loved my headphones that I got for my birthday, and he would just stand there and dance. So cute!

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