Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tunnel Vision

Ever fear that there's no light at the end of the tunnel? Like literally you think, I'm never going to see the end of this? 
I had an "a-ha" moment last night. Maybe the end of the tunnel isn't supposed to be figured out. Maybe that's the purpose of life, to just keep on pushing, having confidence that eventually you'll see the light. Faith is having confidence in someone or something, and having fear is exactly the opposite.

It is so hard to not have fear. Fear is easy to succumb to, it's easy to be afraid. It's hard to have faith. More often than not good things are hard things. It's so hard to trust others, to let others in, fearing that they might hurt you. The more you trust someone or something the more vulnerable you have to become. You just have to have faith they won't hurt you, they will love you no matter the problems. This has come full circle for me, remember this post about unconditional love? It's amazing how much I learn from other people, and how much they teach me about myself. They teach me that love really has no end, it can grow.

I'm pretty sure that I've learned more about myself, and relationships with those I love in the past year than in the whole other 27 years I've been alive. Isn't that funny? There are no coincidences, things happen for a reason, whether it's being at the movies and running into someone or deciding that morning not to go to work. All things are for my benefit, and having faith believing that very thing is what life is all about. No need to be afraid of that dark tunnel, I've got a flashlight and hands to hold onto until I reach that light. 

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