Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Building My Foundation

I've been thinking a lot about my foundation... not literally like in my house (silly), but who I am as a person. What makes me, well me? On Sunday I was involved in a discussion about what I believe and what makes me happy. There are many components to that question obviously, and many things have shaped me into who I am. When life is hard and trials come (believe they come), you can either turn to the foundation you have built look deep and hold on to the firm grounding OR you can look at elsewhere at the "false" happiness (often covered in glitter!!).
So what have I built my foundation with? 
  1. God. The strongest part of my foundation is him. When everyone else comes and goes he's always there.  A relationship I really have to work on, but well worth it. No matter what I do or say he just patiently waits for me to figure it out.
  2. The gospel. Such a broad term, but really it's everything that I am. I know it's the only way to true happiness. Yesterday I was having a discussion about this very thing, and I know that the only way to live my best life is to live the gospel. It's hard sometimes to block out the world and go against the norm, but this truth will never let me down.
  3. Family. I am so blessed to have a mom and dad who work so hard and who want nothing but the best for me. I often wonder what I did to deserve not only a loving mother and father but siblings who care about me. My love is deep for them to the point that it makes me emotional. I make many mistakes and I have a crazy life and yet they always are there. They pick me up and dust me off and say, you can be better you can accomplish anything!
  4. Friends. Isn't it crazy how God (see there he is again) puts people in your life for a reason? Some have a huge impact on your life and some are there just to make you laugh once and awhile. With friends there are rough patches, and sometimes you wonder if it's worth it. But take it from me, they are worth it. Sometimes you have to show tough love, and sometimes you have to take a step back, but friends, people who you love and care about, those people are the ones who will help you pick up the pieces. Help form the corner of the foundation. They teach me to trust, because well they know everything about me and can hurt me and I have to trust that they won't. My friends are my family away from home.
There are a lot more things that shape who I am, that build my foundation. Even through hard times and good times maintaining a strong foundation is the only way to true happiness. The picture below is amazing, I think it describes a lot about what makes a good strong foundation - your values.

Life isn't easy. In fact most of the time it really is hard and it sucks, but there's help, and having a strong foundation is what makes it all worth it. 

1 comment:

Karen said...

Amen to that sista!! U always amaze me! Such a great person, and I'm so glad to know u!