Tuesday, October 25, 2011

JB and Zac Efron

Today I recieved an email with this picture and following caption:
“the saddest looking happy people you will ever see.”

Proceeded the following conversation via email with the BFF Jenn... who I might add is the only one who understands and shares in my obsession with JB and Zac Efron.

J - Omg, THAT is the face of a true JB fan. bhahahahahahaha

S - I think why I find it hysterical is because I would probably be the same way. I mean honestly, I would be nervous, so I would start crying, and then he would touch my shoulder and I would try to smile through the tears….

J - LOL! Spoken like a true JB fan.  Seriously, I would freak.  I’m not sure if I would cry but I would be a wreck. Like “omg, should I go up to him. Omg. Omg. Omg.” And maybe hyperventilate.  I think my picture would be the GOOFIEST biggest, over the top excited smiled… and I’m not sure which is better. LOL

S - You know I would ask for a picture with me kissing his cheek and then slip and maybe kiss him on the lips. But then his body guard might tackle me, darn it. I guess I’ll stick with the half hug, you know, you get what you can. Then maybe, just maybe I would ask him to sing a tiny bit of a song while I recorded it on my iPhone. Maybe something like “I am JB and I love you”…. I know you can hear him singing it now. I might pull out my Beats and be like look I am cool like you. LOL!
But JB is minor leagues. If I met Zac Efron… you know I would try to spider him or something.

J - OMG OMG LOL I am dying. I love that we are mid 20’s and we would still kiss little JB.  He’s talent and good looking, what can we say.  I can totally see you asking him to sing you a little ditty while you record it on your iphone. I would be DYING laughing.
I was thinking the same thing about Zac… The Efron is a completely different story from JB.  MMMM>>Spidering?! I could see it happening. … “Shhhh Shhh Zac, just let it happen!”

S - That’s right. If I kissed JB it would be considered illegal still. Crap. And I would go on the sex offenders list and then I wouldn't be able to hand out candy to the Trick-or-Treaters. Darn you JB and your adorable face and voice of a 17 year old.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... “shhhh Zac really…” (I would hold him down for you really)…one day Jenn one day we will meet him, and I will hug him and say “You’ll never know how you and HSM changed my life”….

J - And not being able to hand out candy at Halloween would be tragic but maybe worth it a little?!? Meh, wait a little longer then it’s completely legal.
 HAHAHAHAH Zac Efron and HSM did change my life. Omg, if we said that to him he’d probably be like, who are you, you little freak!? But actually I’m sure he gets that kind of crap all the time.  That’s it.  We have to meet him!

Thank you J for making my Tuesday better. For making me laugh hysterically at work, and for loving the same things I do. 

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