Thursday, November 10, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursday!

Interesting week I've had, I learned so much in a week. Crazy right?!

  • The Buckle. That store in a nutshell is awkward. I mean love the jeans there or whatever, but to pressure people to buy $175 jeans is a little ridiculous. Then telling us to put it on layaway. Honestly if I could afford those jeans I would just buy them. I know what we are looking for so stop throwing ugly clothes or jeans our way. Laws!
  • When you are obviously having a private conversation and another person walks in the room and just proceeds to stand around DOING NOTHING. Hello, we will talk to you if that's what you want, but don't just stand there. Super awkward.
  • Going to a restaurant and ordering what we want because I have a gift card, only to discover I don't have it after all... uh oops... sorry...
  • Preparing a 15 minute lesson only to have 5 minutes to give it in. Pretty sure it made ZERO sense. Darn it!
  • Pretending things are OK when clearly they aren't. 
  • Seeing something I'm pretty sure I wasn't suppose to see and pretending that I didn't see it. 
  • Re-writing a text message like 5 million times. To end up only sending an "Oh OK"... seriously Savanna.
  • Library fines or actually any late fees. I just feel awkward paying them, like I am in trouble or something.
  • My sister Mariah. She is so wise for a 19 year old, sometimes I just listen to her and think, wow how do you know so much? Bless her.
  • Shopping. Especially for someone else. It brings me happiness beyond words. 
  • Holding hands. It's my favorite!
  • Knowing what someone else is thinking with just a look. 
  • Priesthood blessings that give you comfort and peace, and answers you were looking for.
  • My brother Hyrum. I love this kid, he is also so wise. I love that he will listen and make me laugh in the same moment. 
  • B was teaching his lesson on Sunday and used "Oh Laws"... that was so awesome it still makes me laugh. See my lingo is pretty darn cool!
  • Compliments or words of affirmation. Those are big with me, followed by a hug.
  • A video my brother posted showing Liam praying. The cutest thing ever, children really are God's treasures. 
  • Friends who know you and know what you need when you need it.
  • A really great text message that I will probably save forever. Haha!
  • Patience.
  • Journals, and journal entries. It's pretty awesome looking back on things and remembering how you felt and what was going on. My kids are going to have a good chuckle at their mother one day I am positive!
  • Thanksgiving is coming!
  • Knowing that you make mistakes but you have repentance and the atonement, it's more than awesome.
  • Spending an entire day with someone who makes you laugh and makes you happy, and would do anything to make sure you stay that way. 
Have a great Thursday! It's almost the weekend (which I can't believe)!

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