Monday, November 21, 2011

Play by Play

Sometimes I love that you can be doing nothing and still have fun. That's what life is all about I think, finding people that you can do that with. My family for instance, I can sit at home and do absolutely nothing and still have the best time. That was my weekend pretty much. Friday I had all these ideas but actually we just ended up watching a movie and getting a pizza. Totally fine. Totally fun. Mariah came over for a little bit, bless her heart, I love her so much. She's such a good soul, I'm super sad that she won't be here in the winter and I'll be all alone. I don't like that one little bit. We both have had a CRAZY fall, and I don't know what I would do without her. Sorry, for my little tangent…
Saturday B surprised me with this:

Totally sweet right? I mean he went all out, homemade whip cream, homemade strawberry syrup, Belgian waffles, eggs, bacon, and of course my favorite chocolate milk. It was so good, and I was totally impressed with his cooking skills (ok so I might have helped him to the whip cream but still that's just because he didn't know how to do it and I offered). Then seriously I just wanted to be lazy. I had a crazy week and felt like I was never home, so just sitting around doing nothing was spectacular. I even put in Babes in Toyland (haha a childhood favorite), and watched who knows how many other movies. Finally we decided we better do something with our lives so we got ready and went to Idaho Falls. We went to mall to shop, and I think I've created some monsters, well shopping monsters that is. The guys went crazy in American Eagle and the Buckle. I was impressed with everything they picked out or wanted. I've trained them well; soon they will be the best dressed men around. I mostly just made mental checklists of everything I wanted for Christmas, my list is shaping up quite nicely. The funny thing about going shopping with B and Anthony is that they know EVERYONE. I'm not even exaggerating; I guess that is what happens when you have lived in this area your entire life! Every two seconds they will say hi to someone or stop and talk to someone (like my father). Guarantee everywhere we go my dad will know someone, even at the Grand Canyon!

After shopping we dropped off Anthony and I took B to Blue Hashi, the best sushi in Idaho Falls. So amazing. We sat at the bar, so I felt so posh and city like. So Hills. It was really fun, and really good food, and of course good company.

Then it was time for Breaking Dawn. I know, that movie. I wasn't THAT impressed with it, I mean the book was different, but the movie was OK. Cheesy, yes. Bad acting by Bella, given. Shirtless Jacob, yes of course. Edward looking in pain all the time, haha yup. It was good, but mostly B's commentary through most of it made me laugh the most. When you watch it you just can't think about it, just watch it and be like oh Twilight. Definitely not Harry Potter that's for SURE!

Sunday was amazing. Meetings were great, and then more meetings and firesides. I love that I have people around me who believe the same things I do. When I have questions about the gospel they can answer them, and we can have conversations that let me learn new things and analyze something that I've known my whole life, just never really thought about. A tender mercy for sure.

Side note – a crazy weekend for college football. Take that BCS! My Broncos rose in the polls. We need a few more loses and we'll be good as gold. There's still hope!

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