Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ei Yi Yi

Drama. It's what the world thrives on right? It is what makes the headlines and makes billions of dollars worldwide. Which is fine, just leave me alone. It's funny how sometimes your life can be so lame you wish for it? OK let me rephrase that, you wish you had friends to have drama with…

I'm the type of person that will usually tackle it head on. I'm not violent (contrary to some people's beliefs), I just fight with words, and I'm confident in what I say that usually helps my cause. This is all beside the point, the reasoning behind this blog is because I think people need to mind their own business. Usually drama is a miscommunication somewhere down the line, whether it's someone gossiping, lying, or being dishonest. I'm a person who just wants to be told everything, no need to hide or lie, just out with it already, either way it is going to hurt.

Also I really dislike people who can't fight their own battles. They cause the drama and then need help to fix it. If you lied, or said untrue things then YOU need to clear it up. YOU need to fix the problem. If you have the nerve to lie then you can have the nerve to apologize. Another thing that is totally wrong is not taking the blame when you do actually apologize. That isn't an apology, this is about me listening to you and saying your side. I'll forgive you, that's just who I am, but don't expect things to be the same. Don't come to apologize only to put the blame on someone else or still sort of bend the truth, just get it over with so we can both move on. Take it from someone who has had to apologize a LOT, it's hard, but being sincere and wanting to fix the problem will shine through words if you have the right attitude.

In life there will always be drama, there will always be arguments or disagreements. The fact is, know your boundaries. Know when something is your business or know when maybe it should be left up to the people actually involved. No one knows what anyone is going through, don't make it harder on them. Have some respect for yourself don't just assume because something appears one way that's actually how it is. Let me quote Jenn "Plain and simple people, don't be stupid". Good words to live by I think.

Positives about what I learned though:

Talking about how you feel really does heal the soul.

I could really care less what most people think about me.

Without love and understanding it really won't work.

Sometimes if you let the Holy Ghost do the talking and it's amazing what comes out of your mouth!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Let me change my quote a little for the day. "Plain and Simple, I love Savy Jade!"